So the house is empty and I've been tucked up in my sleeping bag for the last couple of nights. Pleased to report that it's very snug indeed, which is good news considering London has been bloody cold for the last week or so.
My passport application is in, albeit later than expected because I cocked it up. No really. I managed to completely overlook the fact that I required a countersignatory until the morning of my appointment. As I am the only person tragic (or paranoid) enough to actually carry my passport number around with me, I had to reschedule and call on civil service star Sarah to come to my rescue. Which, of course, she did. She even rewarded my sea sponge-like organisational skills with this extremely groovy new compass.

Speaking of which, could everyone send luck and healing vibes Sarah's way. She's been training to run in the London marathon and has achieved super-human levels of abstinence from all the fun things in life since the start of the year. Now, with just a couple of weeks to go, she's tweaked some of her bits and is waiting to hear if she can run. She's worked really hard, so any spare good thoughts winging her way would be much deserved.
If Sarah makes it to the starting line, she will be running to raise funds for Crisis, a charity helping the homeless, and can be sponsored via this link.
I may not post often, but I sure do post long. The house is ridiculously cold right now but the real estate agents have called to say they will be bringing someone round to look at the place and I don't want it to be all warm and toasty when they get here. Nothing against any future occupants, you understand, this is all about making things difficult for the estate agent scum. That name again: David Daniels. Fear them, all you decent, intelligent renters, for they are to civilised human beings as Fosters is to actual beer. I know, I know - that's real big and clever, you say, freezing your toes off to inconvenience some random scum bag. Fuck you, it is big and clever and my tiny toes are warmed by the thought of even this pathetically small inconvenience I might cause them. Soon, I shall be heading out to watch the cricket anyway - may the Aussies stuff South Africa for many good reasons but mostly to irritate my barman Sean. If you didn't know me, you could start to think I'm bitter and twisted. Well, it makes me happy.
Passport should arrive Thursday and then it's off to Portsmouth for the ferry on Friday. Farewell local drinks at the Eddie tonight from about 7.30pm-ish. I know, it really is taking the piss, isn't it - how many going away drinks can two people legitimately have. The answer, clearly, is an *infinite number* of going away drinks. Frankly, I'm about to crack open a can of Red Stripe and have a going away drink with myself. My filthy, hobo-beer drinking appearance (Grrr's description of Red Stripe, not mine) should help further deter potential renters and I don't even have to go to any effort because it's what I look like anyway.
Next update before we leave for Portsmouth - 6 days to go. Woo hoo!
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