Friday, June 15, 2007

Oooo - some spare witterings

Richard and Stew get shiny new postcards for reading my blog and answering the Delia style 'where are ya'. JP has already had online praise and I know it will just go to his head if I send him anything further. My laptop is still not wi-fi fixed and I am beginning to despair of getting anything before Barcelona.

Some interesting side information, as I've got a few minutes. People get fatter the further south you go in Spain. Must have to do with the affluence of the tourists, I suppose. DWP are still paying me, and although I do clearly deserve it, I thought you mere taxpayers might like to know that I've asked them to stop. I've been watching the GCN job alerts and there are at least two jobs I haven't seen advertised yet - you know who you are, people, get a move on.

I have lost loads of weight. You would think this would be just a brilliant thing, but with only one pair of trousers, I have also developed a truly offensive case of builder's crack - don't be afraid to check the Flickr account - we photoshop it out if it becomes a problem. Which, of course, is a gentle reminder that you should have a look at my Flickr pages every now and then - if you are able to answer a few simple questions by the time we get back, you won't be required to attend the slide night...

Final admin bit - my sim card has died. I am using a new number which I will email to everyone in the very near future. Stoatie has a new tattoo, according to a text that I very belatedly received (no reason why it got caught up, but it took a long while to get to me, according to the date it was sent). A picture would be very nice indeed!

Miss you all - more from the road soon!

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