Today is my last working day and it's damn near over. See, I said the next post would be a little ray of sunshine. Yay me! Been easing into the transition by not overtaxing myself - a short fight with HR, who somehow managed to pay me just £88 this month. I know my wages are meagre, but this is beyond the pale. But no, this is a post of joy, not moaning. A final team lunch of vegetarian sushi and beer. A fine haul of a Spanish dictionary and map of Spain and Portugal from my writing team-mates. Now it just remains to recycle everything in my desk, pack up my mug and put on the ultimate out of office message. Then go to the pub.
I think this is the first time I've really felt like it's all actually happening and I'm so excited I feel like I could scream, cry and probably sick up a bit, all at the same time. I've really left my job. What a great feeling, although the above description may sound more like poor health than joy - it's not.
Goodbye civil service, with a particular sharpened pencil eye-poke to: SpAds, you bunch of power-crazed, craven time-wasters; policy officials that think they can write sentences but, in fact, cannot even make abstract pictures with letters and word-shaped forms; marketing people that don't actually market; and everyone whose work involves making other people fill out forms. I don't miss you already. At times, it has genuinely been fun. There have been other times, but this is a post of joy, and those times have no place here. There will no doubt be dark days ahead when I will have ample opportunity to revisit those times and ponder at length on what I did and didn't get out of working for the civil service. I'm glad I have had a go at it though. I've met some really great people and learned a lot.
Now it's time for celebration. For now, I am officially retired!
I think this is the first time I've really felt like it's all actually happening and I'm so excited I feel like I could scream, cry and probably sick up a bit, all at the same time. I've really left my job. What a great feeling, although the above description may sound more like poor health than joy - it's not.

Now it's time for celebration. For now, I am officially retired!
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